8Zaselasz sent forward Maphari Radden, commander of the Bentessa, with 7,000 Turoqui, to ravage the Holy Teran Entitlement.
9Only three corps of the cavalry under Dagaszona IV Tera remained, and their numbers were so diminished that combined they were no more than one thousand.
10But he dispatched Federos ad Dammech , as deft a commandant on horseback as any at that time, to harry Radden’s progress in the lands Tera had claimed during that campaign.
11While Radden, the lieutenant of Zaselasz, then, was in the upper parts of the Entitlement, Federos engaged him on the serengeti that those living there call Valdonai
12Federos, glory to Heaven and Tera, routed them in a swift attack that caught the enemy unawares, by employing the advantage of the horse to many men on foot.
13Federos is recorded by tradition to have in conference with his men before their initial foray,
14“Let no man advance beyond the comrade to his left or his right. Hold the line.
15As your animal excites to full gallop, prize unity over speed and force; letting no man drift behind or rush forward.
16As one you must hit them. As one you will succeed.”
17This counsel was wise indeed, for this Battle of Valdonai devolved into great calamity for Radden on the advantage of that first column of riders in concert
18and the ensuing melee they conducted in the mayhem of the battle,
19harnessing thoroughly and to deadly effect the power of trained rider over infantrymen, as surely as a skilled rider harnesses the steed underneath him.
Tourendahl Ofaander
Campaigns of Dagaszona IV Duke of Tera
§3.0: In the Tandheran
§3:2:1(ii)・Itenerary of Campaign・1040・Spring・ln8-19