Hi. Thanks for stopping by. I’m Sam and this is my homepage. 90s vibes.
I work; I write; I draw and do graphic design; I tinker with computer hardware and electronics; I develop and code.
If you're looking for my résumé, find it here, along with a PDF available for download.
I’m not really on any social media except LinkedIn for work. I’m also checking out Bluesky and this is my profile. Oh, and you can find the music I make on Soundcloud. It’s instrumental hip hop, usually sample based, if you’re into that sort of thing.
This is me:
This website is called “personal website” in my notes. There’s a reason ‘personal’ comes first.
All thoughts, opinions and anything expressed whatsoever are mine and mine alone. That goes double for any creative things, like poems. Anything on this site in no way represents any kind of position or endorsement of other parties, including, but not limited to, employers and clients.